“Let’s face it, navigating this path is not always easy, especially when it’s your first-time…every mother-baby’s needs are unique & distinctive”
Virtual visits
30 - 90 minute virtual lactation consults can be easily booked with an IBCLC (in real-time) on any device with wifi capability, AND can take place wherever you are (from the comfort of your own home, the car, breakroom at work, you name it!
A virtual lactation visit is a cost-effective, and convenient way to have a “face to face” appointment via your computer, smartphone or tablet and can be scheduled within 24 hours. Telehealth services include (but are not limited to):
** Individualized, prenatal breastfeeding classes
** Comprehensive Lactation Consultations: see section below for a list of what is included with a consult. The only thing we can not do virtually is weigh your baby, however - we do have scales available for rent on a case-by-case basis
** Going-back-to-work/How to use a breastpump classes
When to schedule a lactation consult:
Just like pregnancy, every breastfeeding journey can be completely different - whether this is your first nursing experience or you've had multiples. We come to you in the comfort of your home (virtually for the time being, but still face-to-face!) to ease the difficulty of trying to time a feeding with getting your baby out of the house. Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC’s) hold the gold-standard in lactation care and are certified by IBLCE. We are happy to serve any families seeking breastfeeding support, now GLOBALLY via virtual consults - no matter where you are, all you need is a decent wifi connection!
When & why to schedule:
Sore and/or cracked nipples
Difficulty latching
Plugged nipple pores
Engorged or painful breasts
Returning to work
Weight checks / Slow weight gain or weight loss
You’re unsure baby is getting enough
Adoptive nursing & induced lactation
Infant supplementation
Using a nipple shield
Plugged Milk Ducts
Any concerns with the color of baby’s stool
Any concern perceived as a breastfeeding challenge and/or problem
How to Prepare:
Forms: Intake and consent forms can be filled out before-hand to save time during the consult. You will receive a link via email to complete these once an appointment is scheduled. They can be filled out electronically from any device!
Keep a record (dates/times) for 24 hours prior to consult of:
Nursing sessions - approximate times and duration
Supplements (if applicable) - frequency, volume, feeding method
Pumping(if applicable) - frequency, volume expressed, type of breastpump
Baby’s output - number of stools and wets
It’s preferable for your baby to be somewhat hungry during our visit (btw-we definitely don’t want you to starve your baby either - “hangry” babies are difficult to latch!) Babies are not designed for schedules, so don’t stress if this is not the case the day of your consult!
What to expect:
1.5-2 hour appointment
Detailed review of Mother and Baby’s medical history (including labor and delivery)
Address concerns and challenges
Full assessment of mother and baby - breast assessment for mother, suck/oral assessment for baby
For baby’s with weight-gain concerns, baby-weigh scales are available to rent for 48 hours. This allows us to walk through taking an Initial and intake/transfer weight for your baby virtually - **baby will be weighed pre- and post-feeding on a calibrated BabyWeigh Scale
Education to help you make informed decisions about your feeding plan
Observe, provide assistance and adjustment(s) as-needed with latch and positioning
Develop a written personalized feeding plan
Communication & follow-up with other health-care team providers
baby-weight checks -VIRTUALLY!
If you are concerned that your baby is not gaining adequate weight, having a weight check can give you enough confidence to keep moving forward in your breastfeeding journey. You even get to avoid potentially picking up germs at the pediatrician's office since our scales are available for rental (48 hours) to you, and we send all information directly to your Pediatrician within 24 hours! During this virtual visit, we will walk through how to use the scales to get initial and transfer weights. Scale rentals are available on a case-by-case basis and can be coordinated for curbside pickup. They are thoroughly sterilized between rentals through a very time-invasive disinfecting process.
These type of visits are typically 20-40 minutes in duration.
An initial weight is a quick 15-20 minute appointment with a brief medical history overview and one weight taken.
An intake-weight (“aka” transfer-weight”) is an appointment designed to help in determining baby’s ability to transfer milk independently and directly from the breast. This can give a clearer picture of precisely how much milk volume your baby is transferring from the breast at a feeding. Includes: instructional initial weight-check via virtual appt, followed by a pre-feeding weight just before latching your baby. After you nurse, we will walk through how to do a follow-up post-feeding weight, so you can see exactly how much milk your baby transferred! These appointments typically take 45-60 minutes.
virtual Classes
“We all know that education, more than anything else, improves our chances of building better lives”
prenatal breastfeeding classes
That old expression "it must be in the water" often rings true for making babies as well! To keep it fun, you and your friends can do a group class together. These classes are designed for expectant and/or breastfeeding moms and can be customized to suit your group's needs. Classes can be held virtually and from the location of your choice.
Happy moms make excellent employees! We can help employers provide support, education, and be a resource for their breastfeeding employees. Let us design a customized package for your place of business that will lead to benefits such as: reduced sick time taken by moms and dads, and increase in workplace morale and a decrease in health care claims and insurance costs.
Prenatal Home Visit (temporarily offered virtually only) - Let a Breastfeeding Educator come to you in the comfort of your own home, virtually! We will provide you with all of the information to empower you to make informed decisions about your feeding plan, teach you the basics of breastfeeding, assess your breasts, and coach your partner on how to best help you with breastfeeding.
Using a breastpump for the first time can be intimidating and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Being educated on how to make it easy and get as much milk as possible can make a world of difference. We are here to help you work through the challenges of using a breast pump and maintaining or increasing your milk supply. Whether you are pumping to increase supply, exclusively pumping due to inability to latch, or returning to work, let us take the stress off your plate. We can also help you learn the technique of hands-on-pumping, which can increase pumped volume by 50% for some Mom's!
going back to work
Need help navigating the transition of returning to work and using a breastpump? This educational session will help you with planning pumping sessions and a feeding plan for one of the most difficult transitions of motherhood! We will also discuss ways to help caretaker's with different methods of feeding that can ease baby's transition between breast and bottle. This class can coincide with a Pump Educational Session as well!
PUMP DELIVERY: Trying to rent a hospital-grade breastpump in the immediate post-partum period can be stressful. Let us take some of that stress away by delivering your pump to your residence (front porch drop-off - available depending on location). We also have all of the supplies that you will need for pumping if you don't already have them.
**Delivery fees may vary